ESG Best Books 500 January-August, 2024



A curated selection of 500 best ESG books published by University Presses and Commercial Publishers during January to August 2024 globally to learn, educate, absorb, and implement ESG principles. Each book profiled in this report identify its reader category and content-level as well as essential factors to allow for the user to select the best ESG book to purchase.

An In-depth and succinct analysis of each book is also provided.

The report consists of books selected for the following groups:

  • To update the corporate ESG team with newest sustainable business models and operations to achieve sustainability goals
  • To provide industry professionals with insights on emerging ESG technologies and approaches
General Interest
  • To provide practical ways to lead a sustainable life
  • To encourage ways to follow sustainability through new insights and thinking
  • To provide latest updates on the significant strides being taken toward a future by
    leveraging AI-driven solutions
Young Readers
  • To introduce sustainability concepts
  • To facilitate an introduction of sustainability topics, issues and challenges

All 5 modules paid together, Module 1 To search specific ESG topics through:, Module 2 How to validate ESG AI outputs?, Module 3 How to update ESG AI Outputs, Module 4 Comparative Pluses and Minuses of ESG AI chat boxes, Module 5 Specific tasks: ESG+AI

    • Prevailing ESG issues and challenges addressed in the books with global
      perspective and implementable approaches
    • 4 reader categories, 7 readers groups, 4 readers age groups
    • 25+ key ESG books publishers, 10 ESG books publishing countries, authors’

1) Analysis of ESG Best Books Published by University Presses and Commercial Publishers
2) Analytical Observations of ESG Best Books Published by University Presses and Commercial Publishers
3) Summary of ESG Best Books Published by University Presses and Commercial Publishers
4) List of ESG Best Books Published by University Presses – By Country of Author/Editor/Illustrator’s Affiliation
5) List of ESG Best Books Published by Commercial Publishers – By Country of Author/Editor/Illustrator’s Affiliation
6) List of ESG Best Books – By University Presses
7) List of ESG Best Books – By Commercial Publishers

Our database is updated daily and reports are generated in a batch.
The report will be sent within 2-3 days of receipt of order.

More than just a book

Selection of ESG best books and company reports, along with a standalone NJ-based bookstore with best ESG books.

More than just a book

Selection of ESG best books and company reports, along with a standalone ESG bookstore based in New Jersey.