List of Modules for Country (Europe) and Industry

Module Number Module Name
NW-C049-I14 Denmark-Diversified Financial Services
NW-C049-I31 Denmark-Oil, Gas & Power
NW-C061-I31 Finland-Oil, Gas & Power
NW-C062-I06 France-Banks
NW-C062-I14 France-Diversified Financial Services
NW-C062-I31 France-Oil, Gas & Power
NW-C062-I33 France-Petrochemicals
NW-C065-I05 Germany-Automotive
NW-C065-I08 Germany-Chemicals
NW-C065-I10 Germany-Commercial Services
NW-C065-I14 Germany-Diversified Financial Services
NW-C065-I22 Germany-Industrial Engineering
NW-C065-I31 Germany-Oil, Gas & Power
NW-C065-I37 Germany-Software
NW-C086-I31 Ireland-Oil, Gas & Power
NW-C089-I31 Italy-Oil, Gas & Power
NW-C129-I06 Netherlands-Banks
NW-C129-I14 Netherlands-Diversified Financial Services
NW-C129-I31 Netherlands-Oil, Gas & Power
NW-C136-I25 Norway-Marine
NW-C136-I31 Norway-Oil, Gas & Power
NW-C167-I31 Spain-Oil, Gas & Power
NW-C175-I31 Sweden-Oil, Gas & Power
NW-C176-I22 Switzerland-Industrial Engineering
NW-C176-I31 Switzerland-Oil, Gas & Power
NW-C190-I05 United Kingdom-Automotive
NW-C190-I06 United Kingdom-Banks
NW-C190-I10 United Kingdom-Commercial Services
NW-C190-I11 United Kingdom-Construction Services
NW-C190-I14 United Kingdom-Diversified Financial Services
NW-C190-I16 United Kingdom-Electronics
NW-C190-I31 United Kingdom-Oil, Gas & Power
  • Module Number

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