ESG Best Books Reference Center
ESG Reference Centre at our Princeton, NJ-based ESG bookstore makes available the latest best 500+ ESG books selected from 2,500 books published to date in 2024.
The ESG Bookstore,
195 Nassau Street (1 block east of Washington and Nassau once reached at the Princeton University Campus), Princeton, NJ
The ESG Bookstore,
195 Nassau Street (1 block east of Washington and Nassau once reached at the Princeton University Campus), Princeton, NJ
Key features:
- The latest 500+ ESG best books available for users to read (organized by 20 ESG subjects for facilitate selection of books)
- These books are selected from 20+ topics and published globally by 30+ publishers
- Good balance of university presses as well as commercial publishers
- Though our bookstore has 2 copies of each of these books for sale –one copy of each book remains in the reference center
- There are 8 work stations and readers book time – thus for a given hour these reading stations are assigned by appointment – thus, for readers with appointments there is always a reading station available
- Books are paperbacks as well as bound – easy for readers to check thru multiple books and compare key pages quickly vs online versions
Key Benefits
- Users can quickly check and view information of their interest
- Easy for users to mark selected reports for purchase
- Cost for purchase to be a token price of $5 or $10 or $15 per report (depending on a specific report)
- Reports purchased will be sent by email at the completion of the session
- Reference Center User fees ($20 or $10/hour ) to be fully credited towards purchase of these reports
- Alternatively, the reference centre user fees can be credited towards the purchase of ESG books from the bookstore ( at the end of the reference centre session)
Available Databases
- ESG Major News Synopsis (50+ news updated every day)
- ESG Company Reports (30+ reports accessed every day)
- ESG Reports Select Pages (10+ criteria evaluated on each page)
- ESG Reference Guides (from established ESG advocators)
- ESG New Insights Articles (from experienced reporters/executives)
- ESG Regulations Landscape (from credible sources)
Our advantages:
- We add new books every month – our collection is very up-to-date
- We have a team of 6 senior colleagues who review new books being published each week and make the selection for the reference center
- All books on a given topic are on the same shelf! Clearly marked. Where for any leading library in New York to Philadelphia corridor books are placed in many different sections of the library by the library’s books numbering system
- Also, in major libraries—many popular books are checked out and one needs to wait until a selected book is returned (while such is not the case as our reference center will have books readily available)
How it works:
- The reference center is available for use Friday to Sunday each week by appointment only (12pm to 6pm Eastern Time)
- Those interested in access to the reference center are required to pay $10 per hour ($18 for 2 hours or $22 for 3 hours)
Please sign up for your preferred schedule below:
Key Benefits
- Users can quickly check and view information of their interest
- Easy for users to mark selected reports for purchase
- Cost for purchase to be a token price of $5 or $10 or $15 per report (depending on a specific report)
- Reports purchased will be sent by email at the completion of the session
- Reference Center User fees ($20 or $10/hour ) to be fully credited towards purchase of these reports
- Alternatively, the reference centre user fees can be credited towards the purchase of ESG books from the bookstore ( at the end of the reference centre session)
Available Databases
- ESG Major News Synopsis (50+ news updated every day)
- ESG Company Reports (30+ reports accessed every day)
- ESG Reports Select Pages (10+ criteria evaluated on each page)
- ESG Reference Guides (from established ESG advocators)
- ESG New Insights Articles (from experienced reporters/executives)
- ESG Regulations Landscape (from credible sources)