ESG Best Reads LLC is a one-stop resource platform for global Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) news, company ESG reports, books, articles and reference resources.
Our team of 15 colleagues provide comprehensive dailies, weeklies, monthlies, quarterlies and other on-demand information services- fully focused on ESG.
All our information services are based on comprehensive, in-depth and hard-to-access data compiled by our research team from primary and reliable secondary sources available in the public domain.
Our goal is to provide these ESG resources to users in varied communities (companies, investors, researchers, regulators and broader interest readers) spread across different regions of the world.
Our senior team has worked on ESG-specific projects and products for different industry sectors globally. From reading and analyzing ESG-relevant books and reports to evaluating the current ESG reporting trends, this team’s research focus has been in-depth and comprehensive.
With an eye for detailed and meticulous assessments, our team backed by years of experience in ESG corporate publications along with advanced level education bring forth quality and trusted work.
Our ESG data storehouse accesses every month 2,000+ ESG company reports, 500+ books published on ESG and 300+ external sources of current information reflecting ESG principles from 150+ countries covering 20+ industry sectors.
We truly believe that sustainability is the only way forward for a better planet with happy people, therefore we go that extra mile to access hard-to-find best ESG relevant books, reports and other ESG information.
Competitive Pricing
We are a family-owned company with low overhead, and we pass on these savings to our clients.
Daily Delivery
We update around-the-clock via FTP uploads, customized to our clients' schedules and the time zones of the companies we are following.
Customer Service
We can deliver in any file format, with any file name code, and we only invoice after the quality assurance process is complete.
We produce unbiased research and do not take investment capital from the customers we service.
Founder & Head of School
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Nibh in sed venenatis, senectus fermentum nullam donec nulla quis ut facilisis
Nibh in sed venenatis, senectus fermentum nullam donec nulla quis ut facilisis
Nibh in sed venenatis, senectus fermentum nullam donec nulla quis ut facilisis
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Experts in giving your children best start
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Teacher: 3-4 year olds
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More than just a joyful place
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