List of Modules for Country and Industry

Module Number Module Name
TOC-C009-I23 Australia-Information & Communication Technology
TOC-C017-I10 Belgium-Commercial Services
TOC-C020-I24 Bermuda-Insurance
TOC-C025-I06 Brazil-Banks
TOC-C034-I26 Canada-Media & Entertainment
TOC-C038-I07 China-Biotechnology
TOC-C038-I14 China-Diversified Financial Services
TOC-C062-I14 France-Diversified Financial Services
TOC-C065-I31 Germany-Oil, Gas & Power
TOC-C082-I06 India-Banks
TOC-C082-I07 India-Biotechnology
TOC-C082-I14 India-Diversified Financial Services
TOC-C082-I28 India-Metal Mining
TOC-C091-I05 Japan-Automotive
TOC-C091-I06 Japan-Banks
TOC-C094-I14 Kazakhstan-Diversified Financial Services
TOC-C112-I31 Malaysia-Oil, Gas & Power
TOC-C136-I13 Norway-Diversified
TOC-C136-I25 Norway-Marine
TOC-C153-I10 Saudi Arabia-Commercial Services
TOC-C159-I14 Singapore-Diversified Financial Services
TOC-C166-I08 South Korea-Chemicals
TOC-C189-I06 United Arab Emirates-Banks
TOC-C190-I07 United Kingdom-Biotechnology
TOC-C190-I14 United Kingdom-Diversified Financial Services
TOC-C190-I17 United Kingdom-Food/Beverages
TOC-C190-I31 United Kingdom-Oil, Gas & Power
TOC-C190-I42 United Kingdom-Wholesaler/Retailers
TOC-C191-I14 United States-Diversified Financial Services
TOC-C191-I23 United States-Information & Communication Technology
TOC-C191-I37 United States-Software
TOC-C191-I39 United States-Textiles/Apparel
  • Module Number

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